Care Sheets and guides

Bonsai species generally fall into one of three categories: tropical/subtropical species, deciduous trees (i.e., broad-leaved trees that lose their leaves in fall and undergo a period of winter dormancy), and coniferous (needle-leaved) trees, which retain their foliage year-round. Each species group requires different growing conditions, especially in winter months. A few common bonsai species (e.g., Chinese elm) have slightly different growing requirements from most other trees in their group, and we provide additional information on these. For more information on bonsai care and styling, there are a number of excellent books and magazines on the topic some of which can be purchased on our site HERE.
Care Sheets
Meaning Of Lucky Bamboo
Number of lucky bamboo meanings
There are no official meaning for the numbers of bamboo plants. It can mean whatever you want it to mean. More importantly, is how it looks. The meanings of each number are commonly associated with the numbers in Feng Shui. Here are the most commonly meanings associated with the number of bamboos:
1 stalk = good fortune
2 stalks = love (Sometimes represents one man + one women)
3 stalks = happiness, wealth, and longevity. Also can represent PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE.
4 stalks = stable, strong, or power. (Sometimes considered unlucky. See notes below.)
5 stalks = wealth or fortune
6 stalks = prosperity
7 stalks = good health
8 stalks = growth or wealth
9 stalks = general good fortune
10 stalks = completeness or perfection
21 stalks = blessings
If you know of other numbers that are not listed here, please add to it using the comments below.
Note: In Feng Shui, the number 4 symbolizes stability and a strong foundation, and it represents the four directions and the four seasons. The number 4 is sometimes considered unlucky in Chinese Feng Shui because it sounds like the word “death” in certain Chinese dialects, but it doesn’t have this association for Western cultures. If you have a number four in your address and you are from a country other than China, instead of worrying whether the number four is unlucky, try thinking of four as sounding like the word “more.”
Lucky Bamboo Care
How to care for your Lucky Bamboo
You may of received a lucky bamboo plant as a gift or bought one. Lucky Bamboo plants are one of the easiest plants to take care of. Let start with the basic instructions for keeping it alive:
- It is a indoor plant. Keep it away from direct sunlight.
- Make sure the water level is above the roots of the plants. Keeping it above 1 inch is sufficient.
It’s that simple. Follow these two rules and your plant will live for some time. If you want your lucky bamboo to flourish and last a few years, following the tips and instructions below.
More Lucky Bamboo Care Tips and Instructions
Tips to ensure a healthy and long-lasting Lucky Bamboo plant:
Lucky Bamboo will do best with moderate levels of indirect light. Do not expose plant to direct sunlight, such as a sunny windowsill. The direct sunlight is too strong for the plant and cause the leaves to warp and the leaves will turn brown. Lucky Bamboo should always be keep indoors.
We highly recommend bottled water or filtered water. Tap water contains fluoride that will cause the tip of the leaves to turn brown. If you must use tap water, you can eliminated most of the fluoride and chemical by letting it sit 24 hours before adding it to the plant. To prevent the roots from drying, always keep the water level at least 1″ high. Do not submerge the plants completely underneath the water. The top of the stalk much be expose to air so that it can breathe properly. Change the water every 14 days to prevent the roots from rotting.

Only use plant food or fertilizers made specifically for Lucky Bamboo such as “Super Green Plant Food”. Lucky bamboo do not require any nutrients or fertilizers. It can last for years with clean water. Plant food or fertilizer can help aid the health of Lucky Bamboo plants.
What to do if the leaves are turning yellow?
The two most common reasons for yellow leaves are:
- 1. High chlorine in the water. A common problem for Lucky Bamboo plants are chlorine. Tap water contains chlorine that are not good for your plant. It can cause brown tip or cause the leaves to turn yellow. If you continue to use the water, the yellowing will continue to spread.
Solution: Try using bottled water of filtered water. If you can not afford it, you can fill a container with tap water and let it sit 24 hours. This will eliminated most of the chlorine from the water. - 2. Plant exposed to direct sunlight. If you have the window blinds open or have a ceiling sky light, the bamboo may be expose to sunlight when the sun shift while you are at work or away from the plant.
Solution: Move it to a different location you know for sure does not have any direct sunlight. Your plant does not required any light from the sun. It will be fine with light source from your the light bulb and lamps.
What to do if the Lucky Bamboo Stalks are turning yellow?

The roots of the Lucky Bamboo Stalks or the container is contaminated. Root rotting is common if you do not replace your plant arrangements with fresh water.
Solution: If you are using rocks to support the bamboo, remove the rocks.
Rinse the container with mild soap and air dry.
Insert the plants in the container and add water. Do not add the rocks yet.
The rocks may contain chemicals that are affecting the plants. Once you know for certain it is not the rocks, you may add rocks back in to support the plant.
Ensure that you rinse the rocks with mild soap before insert it in the container Change the water every 10-14 days.
What to do if the stalk looks dried or wrinkled?

The plant is not getting enough water. The roots is where the plants gets its water from. So let's take a look at it. Remove the rocks or soil. Plants that have more roots will drink more water that plants with bare root system.
Solution: Make sure you keep at least 1 inch of water at all times. If the bamboo is not too stress from the lack of water, it may recover and the wrinkles may disappear. Some of the leaves will turn yellow/brown from the stress. Gently peel off the yellow/brown leaves.